Enviromental Impact
Download the publication "Zink's spread in the environment" produced by Goodpoint AB on behalf of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Splint Xtreme is registered in the BASTA system and meets criteria level BASTA.
A registration in the BASTA system according to a specific criterion level means that we can prove that the product meets the BASTA system's criteria for the current criterion level. See www.bastaonline.se for information on the system's criteria and the product's current registration status.

Untreated galvanized products are nowadays pushed evenly and constantly into the ground with zinc poisoning as a result. The majority of ground anchors have a technical lifespan of about 50 years, which results in large emissions.
Splint Xtreme is treated for two reasons. One reason is to greatly extend the corrosion time of the product, the other reason is to prevent zinc from reaching the soil environment as a poison.
Splint Xtreme prevents soil poisoning by zinc.

Acting close to the source of extraction and production is absolutely critical to reducing human production of Co2. The transport from China of mainly ground screws contributes almost as much to Co2 emissions per kg as the steel production itself.
Splint Xtreme is a Swedish product and reduces this part of the Co2 load by almost 99%.

In accordance with SundaHus assessment criteria, Splint Xtreme has been awarded the assessment A. This is the highest possible grade and means the following:
- produces minimal health or environmental impact linked to PRIO properties according to the Swedish Chemicals Agency (i.e. carcinogenic, reproductive-disrupting, hormone-disrupting, allergy-causing substances, etc.)
- are not classified as hazardous to health or the environment at the construction stage does not negatively affect the indoor environment through excessive emissions of volatile organic substances
- makes a minimal contribution to smog formation
- does not emit too high levels of formaldehyde (according to the E1 standard)
- provides minimal strain on natural resources and less contribution to the landfill mountains
- has a long technical lifespan (applies to selected product groups)
- not risk contributing to unsustainable forestry
- does not have too little transparency about the content of the product

Due to the low weight of a splint, the Co2 load is also reduced dramatically. 88% less Co2 is a concrete plinth and as much as 65% less than a traditional ground screw.
However, the Splints construction makes it as stable and durable as a heavier ground screw and is excellent for mounting wooden decks, fences, windbreaks, solar panels, etc.

Making purchases when the source of both raw material and production saves large emissions. The majority of ground screws on the market today are produced in China from steel mined on the other side of the globe.
The steel for the splint is mined by SSAB in Sweden and the product is produced in Sweden. This means that the splint's Co2 footprint is approx. 14% less per kg of steel. The low weight of the splint also means that you get more units per the same total weight of steel. More attachment points = more stable construction.